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What are your favorite video games?

I would have to say that my most favorite video game at the current moment is Arma 3. There are only two other people who I know in our grade who play this game. I find this very surprising because Arma is by far the best game to ever exist in the current moment. I would even say that it is better than any COD or MW game. There are a few reasons for this, all of which surpass the capabilities of any COD or MW game. Arma 3 is better than these games because it looks better, it is more realistic, and it is by far the most customizable game to date.

Arma 3 just looks better. No doubt in my mind about that. This is obviously because Arma runs on PC hardware (not console) which already means that it looks a million times better than any console game such as COD. Arma 3 is the most realistic military FPS to date. Everything down to fatigue and walking speed is carefully tuned and altered at the most precise time to simulate real life. Also, there is no jumping (because you actually don't jump that many times in a combat situation). The most interesting and complicated feature, however, is the ballistics mechanic. It alters any bullet's path to account for gravity, wind, and even building materials. Lastly, Arma 3 is the most customizable game ever. The game is easy to mod however you please. Mods made by the community around Arma make things like realistic radio mods, Vietnam War mods, and infantry role mods. All of these things only add to the best aspects of Arma. That is why Arma 3 is my favorite game at the current moment.


  1. Arma sounds like a really fun and interesting game. Good Job!

  2. I believe the reason why is because Arma is an older game now. I also think its lack of console adaptation has led it to become less well known. Anyway, I think that Arma sounds like a fun game.


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