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My Own Prompt

Prompt: Who was/is the most formative in your life. Why?

The most formative person in my life was my Papa. Papa is what I call my grandfather. He taught me two main lessons. The first one was about work. Every summer I would go to the farm and work with Papa. We would work really, really hard. He always told me that it would all pay off in the future. He was correct because every year we would sell the cattle that we had taken care of.

The second lesson is a little more ridiculous. He would always say, "if you cant go first class, then don't go." This means that one should strive for the very best, or one should not strive at all. He took this seriously in all aspects of life. He got the very best farming equipment, the very best technology, and the very best fountain pens(his hobby at the time) that he could acquire. He could do this because he worked so hard. So I guess that the first lesson that he taught me feeds into the second one.


  1. This is a very interesting blog post. I like how you connected the two ideas.

  2. I think that this is a great prompt, and I totally agree with your Papa's lessons. My condolences to him, and great post!

  3. This is a great blog post, and amazing lessons to live by. I love the connection between the two! Your grandfather must have been a very smart and hard-working man!


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