Every year there are 4 seasons. And each season for my grandfather meant that he would have to call his buddies(including me) so that we could give the cattle their medication and split and tag the new born calves. Only this story isn't set in the confines of my grandfather's farm. This time we had to help on of my grandfather's buddies with his calves. I was sweating a lot. Perfectly usual, but I really just wanted to go home. There was only one thing left to do, and that was to load up just one cow for Bob to take away to the stock yard. There was only one problem, this cow wasn't exactly ecstatic about going in to the trailer, so we really just had to force her in. When she finally got in, she kicked the rear of the trailer and ran through the gate. Before my grandfather and I knew it, there was a 1 ton cow heading our way. We both jumped out of the way, but it was seriously close. On that day, I got in the car, and I said that we were lucky that we weren't hur...